2 families / 2 ages 2020-21
The Two Families - Two Ages project is a photo story of two generations of siblings, who have never met. The main aim is tries to indicate in diptychs the differences between two offspring with similarities or unsimilarities.
Project is based on analog and digital photo-archives, from two families of one father. It figuratively conveys the archetypality of lives in terms of normal activities at the age when the phenomenon of childhood amnesia takes place in childrens minds. The fundamental theme of the project is family as well as the philosophy of the imaginary significant meeting of two generations of kids, at least in this polygraphic product.
Projekt Dve rodiny - Dve doby je príbehom dvoch generácií súrodencov, ktorí sa ešte nikdy naraz duchaprítomne nestretli. Hlavným cieľom je pokúsiť sa v diptychoch naznačiť rozdiely medzi dvoma potomstvami s rozdielmi či podobnosťami.
Projekt vznikol z analógových a digitálnych fotoarchívoch dvoch rodín jedného otca. Sprostredkúva obrazne archetypálnosť životov z pohľadu bežných činností vo veku, keď sa v mysliach detí vyskytuje fenomén detskej amnézie. Základnou témou projektu je rodina a filozofiou imaginárne signifikatné stretnutie detí dvoch generácií v tomto polygrafickom produkte.
2 families - 2 ages
The genealogy is clear.
The first family from the 80´s, the second from the 21st century.
Still, they are siblings, different colors, different photographic
material, different places, but there are identical activities.
So far, so close.
The dimension of closeness is distant,
situations are identical, love is present.
When, if not now.
When I´m not here, I´m elsewhere,
I can´t be everywhere.
Even though I´m here and everywhere
at the same time.
What more. We´re close, Brigitte.
Between art, reality, present.
In the past and in the future at the same time.
Return, revers and takeover.
They and they in one, with a 30-year difference.
Who, if not us, and when, if not now.
Once together and at the same time in the returning
to the future.
autor Monika Stacho
foto Ľubo a Monika Stacho
Bratislava 2021
size A3, 30 pages
The project, research and printed photo-zin is supported using public funding
by Slovak Arts Council.
Tento projekt, výskum a tlač fotozinu podporil Fond na podpor na podporu umenia.